Research Workshops

We welcome you to our research workshop. Our workshops take place every once in a quarter to present and discuss your and our current research projects.

Professors, PhD students, post-docs and students alike are invited to participate.

Next workshop: 22.01.2025 4pm, HS I (00 211)

We are looking forward to our workshop!

2024 PhD Research Workshop

With the Chair Management & Digital Transformation we worked together to create this research seminar!

We got the chance to explore a variety of subjects, from upcoming technologies to leadership dynamics and anticipate having many insightful discussions in the future!

2023 PhD Research Workshop

We successfully held our first joint doctoral seminar with the chair Management & Digital Transformation at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

We had the opportunity to hear incredibly interesting presentations and conversations centered on intriguing research subjects throughout the seminar. The subjects covered included digital transformation and blockchain, executive and board research, and entrepreneurship.